What’s The Difference Between Coffee and Espresso?

Coffee isn’t so much a beverage as it is a necessity to civilized society. Or at least that’s my view before I’ve had at least one cup in the morning. Some people will drink anything that’s warm and caffeinated, while others are picky about the flavor profile and brewing method. If you’re particular about your cup of coffee, there’s nothing better than a coffee shop that gets your latte, mocha or regular old dark roast exactly right. But if you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, here’s a coffee 101 starting with a basic question: Is there actually any difference between espresso and coffee?



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Avensi Coffee-Tasting Glasses will Soon Be Swirling Into the Market

Another translucent flower has bloomed in the small but increasingly fertile new meadow of drinkware designed specifically for tasting high-end coffee.

The trend that started with the Kruve EQ line and then grew with the Espro Tasting Cups is continuing with Avensi, a new line of high-performance coffee-specific glasses by manufacturer Icosa Brewhouse. The company is currently blazing through a Kickstarter campaign with $135,000+ and counting.


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